Sunday, 16 May 2010


After my tutorial with Noel we discussed my idea and I had only looked at divorce as a celebration which was slightly impractical. So I thought about devicing a divorce kit which would be comprised of everything a divorced woman would need. I began to research artists that had also created kits the most intriguing was Geoffery Farmer who created the Hunchback Kit (2000 – 7) which is a collection of objects and documents that comprise a do-it-yourself kit for staging an adaptation of Victor Hugo’s novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831). Several of the items in the kit can be seen as props and costumes for an actor wishing to assume the persona of Hugo’s hunchback bell-ringer, Quasimodo. Other items relate more broadly to the events and characters in the book, and its numerous adaptations on stage and screen. Alongside the kit hangs the rope of a church bell and on the floor beside it the bell itself, which, we are told, has rung in a distant forest. Many of artist Geoffery Farmer’s works consist of accumulations of material related to a given subject, typically drawing upon images and narratives from popular culture and literature. With this in mind I have decided to create essentials for a woman to get through divorce however I still want to take an optimistic stance when creating this project, something that could cheer a divorced woman up no matter what phase they are going through.

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